Free e-learning: tackling bullying and harassment Can you recognise the signs of bullying and harassment? Do you know how to respond?.Freelance Toolkit Tips on becoming a successful freelancer.Build your portfolio Develop a portfolio to help you secure a job.Job profiles Find the role for you in film, TV, animation, VFX or games.Work well e-learning Learn how to create a more inclusive place to work.Getting into the screen industries Five e-learning modules.Post a job Submit details of your vacancy for moderation by our team.Find jobs Search for jobs in the screen industries from around the UK.Visit the jobs hub Get support for your job search and see vacancies.

Apprenticeships Find out about apprenticeships in screen.Case studies Real stories of how others have built their careers.Production Safety Passport Prove you have industry-recognised safety training.ScreenSkills Select The higher and further education courses we endorse.E-learning Explore our suite of free online training modules.Trainee Finder Our scheme to place trainees on productions.Training, events & opportunities Courses, programmes and events currently available.Visit the training hub Explore all that ScreenSkills has to offer.HR Toolkit Advice and resources for employers and hirers in film and TV.Skills checklists for film and TV Industry-approved lists of skills required for scripted roles.Research ScreenSkills insight into the size and shape of the screen industries.Training providers A list of providers of training, events and programmes.

Tenders View and apply for our open tenders.Skills councils Our work is guided by skills councils composed of key industry figures.Unscripted TV Skills Fund How we support the careers of those working in unscripted TV.High-end TV Skills Fund Supporting new entrants, crew and talent working in high-end TV.Film Skills Fund How we support people working in film at all career stages in the UK.Children's TV Skills Fund How we support the development of talent working in children’s TV.Animation Skills Fund Training and career development for animation professionals.Visit the industry hub Find out how we work with industry and what's new.