‘Primetime’ series stay compact and uniform, covered with 2¼-inch flowers.They are compact, early blooming with 1½-to 2-inch blooms. ‘Carpet’ series petunias are available in many colors.There are single-and double-flowered multiflora petunias. Multifloras produce masses of color through summer until frost. Their flowers are not as large as the grandiflora types, but they are very free-flowering and vigorous. Multifloras: Multiflora petunias are durable and prolific. ‘Daddy’ series petunias have large flowers with distinctive dark veining.‘Ultra’ series petunias are compact and low-spreading with masses of 3-to 4-inch ruffled blooms.‘Storm’ series petunias are weather-tolerant and have high disease tolerance, uniformity and 3-to 4-inch blooms.The following series are well adapted to growing in the South. If you grow most grandiflora petunias, be aware that they will need extra care to look t heir best. Grandifloras have large flowers that are often frilled or ruffled along the edges. Grandifloras: Grandiflora petunias generally do not thrive in South Carolina because their large heavy blossoms are prone to damage and rot during hot, humid summers. Photo by Karen Russ, ©2007 HGIC, Clemson Extension ‘Sugar Daddy’, a grandiflora type petunia. The types of petunias best suited to growing in South Carolina are the multifloras, millifloras and spreading petunias. Petal blight can be a problem in rainy and very humid weather. Avoid wetting the foliage and flowers when watering to help prevent disease. Slugs feed on petunias and can be controlled by the use of baits. Petunias have few serious insect or disease pests. They usually revert to a mix of small white, lavender and rose flowers.

Petunias often reseed in the garden, but will not return true to type. Many of the smaller-flowered cultivars are self-cleaning. Large-flowered and double petunias will need to be deadheaded (removal of old and dying flowers) to improve appearance and bloom production. Water well to force out new growth and flowers. You can cut back to within a few inches of the base if needed, but do not remove all their leaves. If plants become leggy or stop flowering, prune the shoots back to about half their length. Fertilize petunias monthly with a balanced fertilizer to support their rapid growth and heavy blooming. Avoid frequent light watering that encourages shallow rooting. Plants need at least 1 to 2 inches of water every seven to 10 days once established. For good ground cover, space petunias 12 to 18 inches apart. Pinch off the top inch before planting to encourage good branching. Keep them well-watered during this period. Place the plants in a protected place such as a cold frame or sheltered area close to buildings to adjust them to outdoor conditions.

Plants should be hardened off before planting into exposed beds. Plant petunias as soon as the danger of frost is past in the spring. Young plants not yet in bloom often settle in faster. Leggy, thin plants are slow to adjust to outdoor conditions. Purchase healthy young petunias that are short and compact. The very fine dust-like seed of petunias require light for germination. If you grow petunias from seed, start them eight to 10 weeks before planting in beds. They prefer soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. If the soil or the area is poorly drained, you can build raised beds to grow good petunias. Best growth occurs in well-drained, light soil of medium fertility. They will become spindly and have few flowers if grown in shade.
Petunias should be planted in full sunlight. They can be used for color masses, borders, containers, hanging baskets or as a seasonal groundcover. Many petunias, especially white and lavender cultivars have a very sweet fragrance. The flowers may be large or small, ruffled, fringed, or double. Petunias can be found in every color of the rainbow in solids, contrasting veins or edges, and star patterns. The size of the flowers varies from an inch in diameter from 5 to 6 inches. Height can vary from 6 inches to 18 inches.

Photo by Karen Russ, ©2007 HGIC, Clemson Extension Height/Spread ‘Tidal Wave Silver’ petunia growing through silver sage.